December 31, 2008

Last chance to say goodbye...

So... today is the last day of the year, huh!??

At last!!!!
It took awhile huh!??...
and here I thought it'll never come!!.. hahahaa..
How was the year 2008 had been for you?
satisfied with the achievements?

2008 for me was like a roller-coaster ride..
high adrenaline
crazy and
but, I survived!! wuhoo!!!

I wonder what 2009 will be like?
Will it be as crazy and scary?
Will I have another (or several..) breakdown?
Will I have another crazy obsession? or
Will I have peaceful and more meaningful life?
I would very much like to have a happy and meaningful life but,
don't we all? hahahhaaa....

So today is my last chance to say goodbye to all memories of 2008..
Thank you for all the lessons that I went through..
However, there will be memories and incidents that I want to forget and I will never, ever mention of these memories again. They will be lost in my heart, forever.. Its the only way for me to heal...

So, goodbye 2008...
I'll never see you again and
I have no regrets!!


Anonymous said...

kak maziannnnn... happy new year la. bila nak belanja makan sushi king nih.. isskk. huhuhu

mazian joary said...

tak pandai makan sushi.. ajar? nei!?

Anonymous said...

hahaha...akak minat citer jopung mesti kena pandai makan sushi, meh la banjer roz. nanti roz ajar. ekekek..