December 4, 2008

Korean drama, anyone?

Can I interest you with a Korean drama?
For some of you, especially those in Asia,
you'll definitely know the actor.

Even if you have not seen his ever famous drama,
Winter Sonata
you know him!!!

Yes, he is Bae Yong Joon!!! remember that name!!

The drama is called The Legend and it comes in a 2-box set.

I am so, definitely hooked!!!
Now I understand why my elder sister is his ultimate biggest fan!!

Go and watch this drama...
Some way you will get hooked!!
Believe me!!
Trust me when I say, resistance is definitely futile!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and watch episode 26 (onwards..hehehhee!!), again!!!



Anonymous said...

kak mazian... x de cerita lain ke nak interest kat we all?? jepun, korea..jepun, korea... isskk.. ehekk. selamat hari raya aidiladha kak maziannn.......

mazian joary said...

..nak buat mcmana dik Non!?? dah memang mak minat!!... ada nak rekomen citer Jepun ke? boleh gak!!

Selamat Hari Raya

Anonymous said...

ada... katon shin chan bole?? ehehekek.. jangan marah..haa... ni dari jepun gak. huhuhuh

mazian joary said...

shin chan..?? lepas ni nak carik cerita Naruto Shippunden...ok tak?