November 15, 2007

Hoo Humm

..Nothing much has change since my last entry.
Life has been quite a challenge lately and I don't know why..
I'm scared to face what lay ahead, afraid to see what tomorrow brings..

'Scared'(?) is that the right description of what I'm feeling??
I could use 'anxious' or.... I'm lost for words!!!

For the first time in my life, I cant describe this feeling I have inside!!.
I feel I need to protect my family, my girls especially from whatever that is
out there. I wish I knew what's bothering me.. Everything seems wrong lately.
I'm sure my spouse is not doing anything "funny" behind my back because, at the end of the day, i read his phone messages (sms...hahhaahhhaaa....) so, what could this feelings be??!!!......

You don't get what I'm trying to say, huh?!?!...
I wish I could talk about this to someone, but how do I say it? How do I put in words this feelings I have so that people could actually understand what I'm trying to tell them.

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