November 21, 2007

The Gathering part 3

What will you get for someone who already has everything?

I'm confused!! This person I'm talking about has everything.
She has money
She has a good job
She owns a house and an expensive car
granted, she's not married but
above all, she can afford practically anything & everything you heart desires.

So, what sort of birthday present would you get?
Oh, did I mention that she is the 1st member of the Joary Clan?
aka the eldest sister?
No? My bad!!

The gathering is this Sunday, Nov 25th. I was thinking of not attending this gathering or in other words, "chicken out"...
No?.. why not!? I'm not so keen to meet the whole clan.

Why am I not keen to meet them? I don't know!??
maybe I'm afraid they'll know my dirty little secret.. Its not That dirty, its just a matter of self integrity. I told one of the elder of this matter and it seems that the elder wants me to make the matter public. I don't feel I should do it. I mean, as long as one of the elder knows, i'll be ok. As I said earlier, if I were to make this matter public, I will lose my self integrity...

Life has taught me that, no matter what you do or say,
and I'm planning to do just that. Some might say its not right, after all we are family but, I would rather shut my gap until there is the need to do otherwise...

Does this make me a stubborn person?