July 8, 2007

in Denial

A friend of ours got married today. He is more than just a friend, he has become some sort of a brother for Anuar (my other half aka my husband). I understand that the wedding when well, family friends attended, lots of Anuar’s friends also attended the reception. I think the ceremony is his excuse to meet some old buddies (!!!??). No, I did not attend the reception because my baby still has the measles. She’s almost cured by the way. The measles are virtually gone (yayy!! For me!!!..)

Anyway, back to this friend…

For your info, Anuar is not the gossiping type (bummer!!) so, it’s a bit difficult to get any juicy story out of him. You have to ask the right questions, at the right time. And if you are lucky, you’ll get the juiciest story ever!!! That was what I did. I asked the right questions at the right time and I got the juiciest story ever for the year 2007 (..so far anyway)!!!!!

I was told that the groom’s EX-girlfriend came to the reception with a guy (u did not hear this from me!!..) and it seems that, some of his old and very close friends do not fancy this particular girl. She’s bad influence (very bad) on him or something. To make the story more juicy, she is his First serious girlfriend!!! How I wish I was there!!..*a very wide smile*

It is juicy if the EX came to the wedding, don’t you think?

Especially if you are the reason behind it...

I think she just wants all her friends (who attended) the wedding to know that she was the first…

I think she wants to show everyone that she is better off without him.

I think she still wants him.

I think she wants everyone to say “why in gods name did he let her go? She still got it!!”

I think she’s living in denial.

I think I’m a bad person…

Did you attend your FIRST boyfriend’s (or any of your many serious boyfriend’s) wedding? Don’t know anyone that has …

Me? I’m old school…

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