June 6, 2007

Gathering of the Elders aka The Wedding part 2

Ho la!!

Hah!!! what a day!!! Its been a hot day and
the air-condition is not working. I think its
the batteries, its been awhile
actually..hahahhaaa..silly old me!!

I went to my cousin's wedding last weekend. It
was fun!! The food was excellent,
the crowd was great (understatement of the year..),
the girls behave themselves,
except for a few set-back but nothing that we
can't handle.

As I predicted, EVERYBODY was there. From
both sides of the world which inlcude the
full-blooded, the half-blooded and those
related by marriage!! YES, even the rich
auntie/uncle was there.. the cousins where
there. Everyone you can think of!!!
In another words, it was the GATHERING OF THE ELDERS
hhmmmhmmmmm (tak boleh gelak kuat-kuat)

I was there representing the JOARY clan,
wuhoo for me!! (I'm so proud of myself! I
think?) The matriarch of the JOARY clan made
herself available for that day, wuhoo for her too(!!??)
I cant comment much on this subject, it wont be nice..

But what i really want to cerita is, there
was this 3 "little" ladies, checking out the
Main Table!! You don't check out the Main
Table!! OK, maybe you just jeling-jeling lauk
but you don't stand in front of the Main Table looking and
commenting on the
food!!! What the *&^^!! OK, maybe they use
to cook for other peoples' wedding, but that
doesn't give them the right to comment on the
food...Those ladies deserves to be

Clansmen (and women)!!! can't live with them, can't live without them!!!

Who was at the same table as me? The JOARY
clan of course!!!
