Do you Read?

Today I cleared some old (and not so old) photographs from the shelves, I came across a book. A Fiction. A book by Anne Rice. Have you read any of her books? She is famous for her INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, movie adapted from the same book. You know, the movie that has Brad Pit, Tom Cruise, Antonio Banderas and that girl from Spiderman.. I love her books. Its different. She is different from all the other writers. I guess that is what you get when your living in New Orleans, huh?? She sometimes scares me. Her words, she is one imaginative and intense women…

Anyway, back to the book…

When I flip through the book, I noticed that I’ve only read up to chapter 3.. huaahuuaa… I have never not finish any of Anne Rice’s’ books. I will always finish her book. I guess family and other commitments stalled me… but that is no excuse, right?

I love reading (but not school books, wonder why..??...) The first serious book that I read was when I was 17 after my SPM (equivalent to O Levels). One of the Joary finished her Law degree in the UK and she brought back some books. Since I have nothing better to do other than annoying my parents, I picked up this book and started reading. It was a classical novel, you know the thick bind books, it was called CARMEN. The author was some guy, dead for centuries.. and the shocking thing was, I actually finished it. The thick book. Yes, I do have to reread some of it because I didn’t understand the “Shakespearean” language, but I was really proud of myself!!!.

Years after that, I continued my reading hobby. Another achievement that I was proud of, when I finished reading AS CROW FLIES by Jeffrey Archer. That was one of the most satisfying, inspirational reading I’ve ever experienced. I was so happy, satisfied and proud. I was 18 when I finished that book.

Looking back, I feel inspired and the need to re new my age old hobby, that is reading.

Don’t you agree?


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