May 11, 2007

Nothing is too trivial huh??!!

I found out something trivial today. Nothing is too trivial huh??!!

Anyway , I have always been careful as to not let this happen, but it looks like it has happened, in the making anyway. What makes is worst is that, your mother sees it & shes the one who tells it straight to your face...

Saya terlalu manja kan baby sulong saya sehingga terlupa akan baby no 2 saya...I have spoilt my 2yr old baby & it seems that i may have left out my 9mth old baby (my 2nd baby)...

I have tried not to let this happen but it has!! What shall i do?? I suppose its my bad that i promote this to happen its just that, sometimes i feel that i have not given enough to my 2yr old, i needed to give more attention, love, dedication. Somewhere along the way, i may have given less attention to her my 9mths old baby.But the strangest thing though, whenever we went out shopping or sightseeing, i am more protective of my 9mth old baby!. its because she is so beautiful, too beautiful for her age (syukur pada Allah anak sihat & cukup sifatnya)... Its scary! & to think what this world has turn out to be, a lot of perverts & psychos, can u just imagine what it would be like during their time? 20yrs from now? I can only pray, pray that Allah protect them from harm..

Funny thing, before i gave birth to my 2nd baby last year, I decided then that i will stay at home and raise my children myself. I was not going to leave my children to the nursery or anyone for that matter. How hard could it be, right? I can do it! My mother could do it, my in-law could do it, I'm sure i could do it, right? Boy!! was i wrong!!!! Especially when you have to do everything yourself & you do not have any assistance. Syukur that their father do help around, especially during at night & wee-hours in the morning. My eyes could never cooperate during that time...

So what are we going to do to mend this problem??? i don't know. I really don't know.. Like my mother use to say "One day at a time". That is what i will do, try to change one step at a time & hopefully will earn the award SUPERWOMAN OF THE CENTURY...(that is my ego speaking, but she may have a point!!)

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