A beautiful Friday afternoon

Ahh!!... Friday afternoon.. don't you just
love Friday afternoons?.... There's just
something about Friday afternoon.. do u feel
it? if feels magical doesn't it?..I've always
loved Friday afternoons, ever since my school

For me, Friday afternoon is like waiting for something
special to happen at a precise time. Do you know the feeling of
getting ready to go away for the weekend leaving everything
behind, and your just waiting for your ride?.
That is what Friday afternoon is like...

Or perhaps its because tomorrow is a

Saturday(?). Some people do work on
Saturdays.. but not me!!! i "work" 24-7,

Oh no!!!I've just realise something... i have
no social life!! bummer!!! No, calling your
sister on the phone or having breakfast with
the whole clan is NOT a social event!!! it
almost feels like a duty.. double bummer!!!!

So much for the magical Friday afternoon,
huh!!??...oh well!!, got to go and do the
laundry, the girls are asleep, i can do the
laundry peacefully..

Oya zumi...

p/s.. my cousin's wedding reception is this weekend, i'll
fill you in with the juicy details...


RF said…
Hi, what is oya zumi??
i heard that in a dream,
im from brazil and this has no meaning at all in my language.. what is it for you?
Joary said…

oyazumi is the short version of saying Good Night in Japanese.
The actual word would be oyasuminasai

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