August 10, 2010


it's amazing what you can do with today's technology...

August 8, 2010

Lesson in History

Hello, once again...

Again, in my un-conscious state of mind, I was reminded of an incident that
happened to me a few years back.

It has been exactly 2yrs today,
that I had my gallstone operation.
Since that day,
many unforeseen incidents and tragedies has made its mark in my life.

These incidents, I believe happens for a reason.
Everything in life happens for a reason.

But the big question is, what do we learn from all this?
Do we actually understood the hidden message and the mystery
behind each tragedy


are we too naive to understand the meaning?
Ironically, I believe that No one is too naive.
In this age and time, is hard to find a simple-minded person.

As for me,
I admit, I have made myself ignorant of all this mystery.
I have kept myself in the dark of the bigger picture.
I still haven't found the rational of my behavior


I think
it is because I do not want to think too deep
I do not want to dwell deep into this mysteries...

Thinking too much of an uncertain situation
can be rather consuming...
It consumes a lot of your energy both mind, body and soul

And somehow, I don't like it...

Due to my inability to accept these incidents

History will certainly repeat itself...

August 6, 2010

one Friday afternoon...

A beautiful song, just wanted to post it here....

Song : First Love
by : Utada Hikaru

Song : Positive
by : Breakerz

August 4, 2010

4 months later ...

wow!! dusty!!!...
has it been THAT long since I last came here?...
my oh my!!
I would usually come up with an excuse for the absence but it seems
I could not find any....

I discovered something quite interesting about myself the other day...

hahaaaa!!!... its really kind of funny, if you think of it that way...

When I was growing up, I realised that I am a forgiving person.
Always giving the other person the benefit of the doubt.
Often friends would come to me for a second opinion.

I do realise that, on occasions, I may not be as forgiving.
I also come to realise that, when I hate or dislike a person,
I could not find that persons' good side..
No matter how hard they try to make amends with me,
I still could not make myself to like that person.
In my eyes, that person has flawed and it is difficult for me to accept...

So what do I do, I would just pretend to forgive and move on.
And I would make certain measures that our paths would never ever cross...

Today, I realised that after many many many years...

I once again

Hate and dislike another human being....and there is no way I can be forgiving...